Wow ! – Half term and last weekend were very busy with so many of our festival team members involved in The All England Dance Regional Finals for South East – held in the lovely Hawth Theatre in Crawley. Very proud of everyone’s performances and fabulous marks – mainly Distinctions with Commendations and a few of Distinctions. Excitingly Grace made the Dance Off for Modern Solo Section C, earning herself a Silver Medal.
No-one made Finals this time, but everyone danced their socks off with some exceptional performances, I am fairly sure we were pretty close in a number of cases, and most importantly everyone had a real ball and enjoyed watching some friends from other schools that we meet at various festivals going through to Finals.
Festival season is over now – starting back with Tudor Rose in September and also looking at some other exciting options
We do have a few dancers representing Team England in Dance World Cup in Portugal at the end of the month too but will post separately on that 🙂